# Introduction
I am a passionate Learning Technology Professional specializing in Adult Learning with experience in customer service, project management, LMS administration, instructional design, and programming development. I am proficient in all areas related to a performance-based approach to training through the application of skill-based assessment, knowledge gap analysis, and the development, implementation, assessment, and tracking of training programs. I have in-depth knowledge of managing and supporting Learning Management Systems and have a knack for finding creative solutions to problems.
VuePress is composed of two parts: a minimalistic static site generator (opens new window) with a Vue-powered theming system (opens new window) and Plugin API (opens new window), and a default theme (opens new window) optimized for writing technical documentation. It was created to support the documentation needs of Vue's own sub projects.
Each page generated by VuePress has its own pre-rendered static HTML, providing great loading performance and is SEO-friendly. Once the page is loaded, however, Vue takes over the static content and turns it into a full Single-Page Application (SPA). Additional pages are fetched on demand as the user navigates around the site.