# Work Sample Competencies
Students must use the following professional associations as a basis for their work samples. These associations are:
# Association for Talent Development (formerly ASTD)
The ATD competencies include:
- Change Management
- Coaching
- Evaluating Learning Impact
- Instructional Design
- Knowledge Management
- Learning Technologies
- Managing Learning Programs
- Integrated Talent Management
- Performance Improvement
- Training Delivery
# International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI)
- Standard 1: Focus on Results or Outcomes
- Standard 2: Take a Systemic View
- Standard 3: Add Value
- Standard 4: Work in Partnership with Clients and Stakeholders
- Standard 5: Determine Need or Opportunity
- Standard 6: Determine Cause
- Standard 7: Design Solutions including Implementation and Evaluation
- Standard 8: Ensure Solutions’ Conformity and Feasibility
- Standard 9: Implement Solution
- Standard 10: Evaluate Results and Impact